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Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Top 10 Mental Hurdles to Getting More Clients and the 4 Steps to Resolving Them

Are you attracting enough clients or customers to your business? Do you ever wonder why you may feel blocked around this situation when others around you are flourishing?

Let's look at the top 10 reasons people give as to why they don't have a full client roster

1. I am uncomfortable networking

2. I feel like a used car salesman

3. I don't like hard selling anyone anything

4. No one will want to pay me for my work

5. I have no credibility (education credentials or otherwise)

6. I have no time to market myself

7. I'm not perfect at what I do

8. I have a "shady" past that I'm afraid people will find out about

9. I just don't feel like I know what I'm doing

10. I'm afraid…… (you fill in the blank)

Let's take a look at this same list but view it as a list of limiting beliefs that coincide to each statement above.

1. I am afraid to be out their speaking my truth

2. I have no credibility, I sound unauthentic when I sell my skills, I sound stupid

3. Selling must be done in a harsh way to get people to listen

4. I don't deserve to be paid for my skills/gifts

5. I don't believe in myself enough to be out there. I don't believe in my natural skills.

6. This isn't important enough for me to make time to market myself.

7. I judge myself harshly and demand perfection

8. I am afraid to be my authentic self

9. I have no confidence and people will see that I am a fraud

10. I'm just plain afraid …….and here's the punch line: I'm just plain afraid of being rejected.

That's it. That's basically what it comes down to: FEAR OF REJECTION. Oh, I can hear the moans and groans. Some of you have even gone back in time during this split second and relived being the last person to be picked for dodge ball when you were 6 years old or not having a date for the prom. Come back! : )))

Let's go further. What is this fear of rejection about? Well basically if you break it down to the smallest common denominator it is a LACK OF SELF WORTH. When you fear rejection or reprisal by being you're true authentic self then you have a self-worth issue. You're business is a very personal extension of who YOU are. That's a whole lot of esteem that you put out on the line each and every day you market yourself. Make sense?

In effect, what you've created is a negative Law of Attraction situation. The negative is what is boomeranging back to you. The image of the boomerang is a wonderful illustration of how energy works in the world. You throw a boomerang as hard or soft as you like, it still comes back to you in the same manner you let it go out of your hands. So it also is when you send out into the world negative, self defeating limiting beliefs about you and your business guess what comes back? Yup, negative or null and void energy. The important thing to note here is that the boomerang really doesn't care what the energy (or intention) is behind being thrown, it just comes back.

Let's erase these limiting beliefs that are causing your self esteem issues and thereby the negative boomerang. You will need 2 pieces of paper for this exercise.

Step 1: On page 1 make 2 columns. Label the first column "why I am not getting the clients I want". Then label the 2nd column "the corresponding limiting belief." You're basically going to do exactly what I did with the 10 statements above. Purge as much as you can onto this page. Go back and uncover all the hidden sabotaging voices that are impeding you. They can even be people.

Step 2: On page 2 write across the top "My New Beliefs and Behaviors". Write the necessary positive affirmation that would correspond to each point on page 1. Using my lists above, I'll give you a few examples:

1. Networking is easy for me. People are drawn to me and want to hear what I have to say.

2. I speak eloquently about my skills and talents.

3. My gentle persuasive soft sell allows me to seal the deal with ease.Etc…, you get the idea.

Step 3: Now here's your choice. You can keep page 1 or you can keep page 2. It's totally up to you. You always have a choice. If you choose to keep page 2 – congratulations! Now ceremonially, reach down to your shredder and run that list of negative things through it. Say the following:

"I release all of these negative patterns from every layer and level of my body. I no longer need these things. I choose a better me, a better life and an abundant business with lots of clients!"

Step 4: Tape your new list to the mirror in the bathroom and say those statements every morning. Be sure to look yourself in the eye as you do so! : ) You've just become a conscious co-creator in your life. You are setting the Law of Attraction into motion by changing your focus! Be prepared to catch it!!!! : ))))))

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